"Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. " Jeremiah 33:3

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today"..." Hebrews 3:13

To know God is to trust in Him, He has everything under control. Absolutely nothing catches Him off guard, nothing sneaks up on Him, and He truly does hold the future. We know not what today brings forth, it matters not, for we know and trust the One who does know. How can we say it matters not what today holds? Because we know the all sufficient grace of the Living God is more than enough to hold us fast no matter what! We know that He is with us every second of everyday and in His presence the blackest darkness is pierced with His Light, fears are kicked out by His love, anxieties flee from the Presence of the Prince of Peace and even in our deepest sadness of the soul in His presence is fullness of joy that we may have hope and true worship through our tears. Don't let worries about tomorrow rob you of today. God's grace is for today not yesterday and not tomorrow, embrace today, that is where His grace is. To know God is to trust in Him. To know God is to know and believe His Word. To know God is to be a doer of His Word. To know God is to eagerly, boldly embrace the uncertainty of today. Every day is a gift from God, don't waste it! None of us have any assurance of tomorrow but we do have today, use it wisely.

1 comment:

  1. I like when you said "even in our deepest sadness of the soul in His presence is fullness of joy that we may have hope and true worship through our tears." some of my most heartfelt worship has been through tears over the last few years. But God never fails to comfort my soul and even though I may have sadness, I still have joy. And I know I can face the day because, and ONLY because, of God and His grace.
