"Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. " Jeremiah 33:3

Friday, February 17, 2012

"But Jesus said to them, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat." Matthew 14:16 AMP

In the study of God's Word over many years I have come to believe with all of my heart that the Lord never asks us to do anything that can be accomplished in our own strength!

Think about that just for a moment, allow your mind to consider the lives of many of your favorites in the Old and New Testaments, my mind always goes to Abraham, Elijah, Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Peter, and of course Paul. That is leaving a ton of people out but that is my list. The only things that were done in their lives through the arm of flesh were their sins! Aren't you glad that in the Word of God there are hero's but they were flawed hero's just like today. They lied, ran for their lives, were prideful, murders, given to self-pity and doubters.

What did they have in common all these flesh and blood hero's of ours? They loved the Lord with all of their hearts, they were obedient in ways that boggle the mind, their acts of courage and bravery were over the top, miracle after miracle was performed in their lives and yet they resisted pride, how did they do that? Simple, they knew that everything that was good, over the top, miraculous was done by the hand of God working through them!!

That is why so little has been written in Scripture of their words, Abraham the Father of the faith, could not at least one book have been written that were the sayings of Abraham? We have more of the words of David than any other person in the Old Testament because the Psalms show us Davids humanity but more importantly the Psalms show us how to be real with our Lord, bare our souls to Him and love Him. Solomon's proverbs teach how to relate to one another. But what Scripture reveals the most is the Lord Jesus Christ! And the balance of Scripture is what God did in people's lives!

Back to today's title Scripture, why does God ask the impossible of us? Why would He ever ask us to do something that the arm of flesh could accomplish? What glory would that bring to God? Nothing! By the way that is what Jesus says in John 15:5 ESV; "...For apart from Me you can do nothing."

So the next time God asks you to do the impossible, say "yes Lord", for your obedience is all that is required of you, He is the One who will accomplish it through the power that works so mightily within us! And He alone receives the glory and honor, praise God!!!

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