The other day in a conversation with a young woman, I shared with her the above verse from Colossians. She replied what is fully pleasing to Him? Great question! And it got me to thinking, what has God revealed to us as the things that are pleasing to Him?
It pleases God when we:
CALL TO HIM Jeremiah 33:3 Don't call out to the world for help, it only disappoints
In prayer, in thanksgiving, in worship, in song, in intercession for others.
COME TO HIM Matthew 11:28-29 Don't seek answers from the world, they don't have them
With our burdens, to rest in Him, to learn from Him.
FOLLOW ME John 12:26 Don't follow the ways of the world, you will get lost
We don't lead, a disciple follows the leading of the Lord.
OBEY ME John 14:15,21 Don't listen to the world, it is opposed to the ways of God
Jesus defines loving Him, as obeying Him, love Me, mind Me!
ABIDE IN ME John 15:5 Don't try to bear fruit on your own, it can't be done
Jesus says that when we abide in Him we bear much fruit and that brings glory to the Father.
FEED ME Matthew 25:35 We are to feed the hungry, the least of these in our family
Jesus says when we do it for the least of these, we have done it to Him.
CLOTHE ME Matthew 25:36a We are to clothe the naked
Jesus so identifies with His body of believers that, doing something for them is doing it
for Him.
VISIT ME Matthew 25:36b We are to visit the sick and those in prison
Jesus heart goes out to the sick and suffering, and also to those who have sinned, don't you love that! Since we are all sinners saved by grace our compassion should always be towards other sinners.
Today Lord may we all walk in a manner that is worthy of You, that pleases Christ in every respect and brings glory to You.
Nice article, thanks for sharing.