In today's title scripture from Corinthians Paul is talking to believers yet he said he couldn't talk to them as he would talk to someone who is spiritual! He went on to say that he had to speak to them as though they were carnal Christians, an expression meaning a believer that still thinks, looks, talks and acts just like someone in the world, someone who doesn't know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. He told them they were infants, babies in the Christian life.
There is nothing more precious, more adorable than a baby! I have never seen an ugly baby, each one is a miracle, a gift from God! They are a lot of work but I've never known a worn out Momma that would ever seriously consider giving their baby back. Well maybe a severely sleep deprived Mother might occasionally dream about it, okay I'm just kidding. It is so wonderful to cuddle a baby, to kiss and love on them, feed them, sing to them and rock them to sleep, nothing compares to that. But what if when they were two or three and they still acted like an infant? You would be concerned and rightfully so, you would take them to the pediatrician to be evaluated.
Now from infant babies to infant believers. There is nothing precious or adorable about an adult acting like an infant! What are the signs? Well in today's title verse they are someone who has been born again but they are still acting like someone who doesn't even know Christ, someone in the world. They still show fear and anxiety, their words aren't words of faith but murmuring and complaining just like the world. They are self absorbed, looking out for number one, not concerned or interceding for others. They may attend church but worship isn't with their heart but their lips, tithing, witnessing, serving is for others in the church, they have their own agendas.
Just as there is a cause for a baby not to grow and develop so too there is a definite root cause as to why a believer never grows and develops into a mature godly believer in Jesus Christ.
The answer is found in 1 Peter 2:2 "Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the Word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation." There it is we grow as we study, memorize, meditate and obey the Word of God the Bible. Over thirty-five years ago my pastor told me something I have never forgotten and pass on to others all the time. He said, you will never know Jesus better than you know His Word!
We can read all the christian books we can get out hands on, we can listen to sermons on Sundays, on the radio, on TV or the Internet, seven days a week, and we gather knowledge about Jesus from those who spent time alone with Him in His Word and in prayer. But to know Jesus Christ, to plumb the depths of His love, to know His will, to discover His will for you and your life, to experience His promises, His discipline, and His encouragement requires time alone with Him and a lot of it! Daily time, seeking Him, listening to Him in His Word, obeying what He shows you, He will open your mind and your heart and totally transform them, that is the power of the Word of God!!
I gave my life to Jesus Christ when I was a very young teenager but I never grew because I didn't know about the importance of reading God's Word, I attended church infrequently and hung around with non-believers. When I was 28 I gave my life again to Jesus Christ and He gave me the richest gift, He gave me a hunger and thirst for His Word!! I couldn't get enough of it, I drank like someone who just crawled out of the desert, I ate like I had never seen food before and the funny thing was I hadn't, not this kind of food and drink! I'm still eating and drinking all these years later and the Word of God is the desire of my heart, I am still learning new things everyday and the more I learn, the more I discover the more sure I am that I have only just begun!!
Please begin today to seek the Lord with all of your heart by reading His book, the Bible, ask Him to speak to you and He will, ask Him to reveal Himself to you and He will, ask Him to show you His plan for Your life and He will, He wrote it just for you!
Remember; you will never know Jesus any better than you know His Word...and I'm here to tell you that is the truth.
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