Today's title verse has been running through my head all day. It got me to thinking about everything that is good in my life, every perfect gift I have been given and wow they did indeed come from the Lord!
Have you ever received a perfect miracle? I have, two of them, sons, gifts from my heavenly Father when the doctor told me I only had a 50/50 chance of even conceiving! My sons are gifts that keep on giving and I thank You Lord with all of my heart for both of them!! Thank You Lord for six additional miracles, my grandchildren that You blessed my sons and their wives with!! Children truly are gifts from God! "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3
Have you ever been in awe of a sunset or sunrise? How about the oceans or the mountains? Perhaps the stars and the planets are what thrills you. Consider the hummingbird and the Blue Whale, the four seasons, the ant and the elephant, rain, ice, snowflakes, mist, dew, thunder, lightening, gentle breezes and typhoons, dinosaurs and butterflies. "Who shut in the sea with doors when it burst out from the womb, when I made clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling band, and prescribed limits for it and set bars and doors, and said, "Thus far shall you come,and no father and here shall your proud waves be stayed." Job 38:8-11. When creation brings tears to your eyes or takes your breath away, thank the Creator!
I thank God for the freedom I have to worship my God, Jesus Christ! I thank Him that I can choose to go to any church I please without fear of reprisal. I thank Him that I can openly have a Bible study anywhere I please, I thank Him with all of my heart for His Word, the Bible and that I can own one or twenty and not have to hide them.
I thank God for my brothers and sisters in Christ, the family of God, what a blessing they are!
I thank God that in Christ I have total peace, fulness of joy and love that is everlasting!! I have forgiveness of sin and eternal life through Jesus Christ!! No I'm not living in some parallel universe, I'm aware of the situation in our country and around the world, painfully aware but to be in Christ is to be in the Eye of the Hurricane, absolute peace in the midst of the most destructive winds swirling all around you! Thank You Lord!!!
I thank God every morning for giving me another today! I'm so thankful for a roof over my head, food on my table, clothes to wear and the freedom to write this blog.
Thank You God for every good and perfect gift in my life. "You open Your hand; You satisfy the desire of every living thing." Psalm 145:16
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