Sometimes it does indeed feel as though the cares, concerns, trials and worries of life come in like the breakers at high tide.
Wave after wave hits you; some just cause you to sway a little, still others make you weak in the knees, then comes the rogue wave out of nowhere and when it hits you loose your balance. You never even saw it coming, no way to prepare for it. Jesus knows how to rescue His own when they get knocked down, when they start sinking, He immediately stretches out His hand and pulls us up! The storm may not be over but He is with us and we won't drown, He has us by the hand! (Matthew 14:30-31)
Still the waves keep coming and then this creepy, slimy feeling on your legs gets your attention, seaweed! Some waves or trials leave debris behind that we must deal with even when the waters are calm again. We need to cleanse ourselves from that which clings to and defiles us. Maybe the storm is past, but you are left with, depression, self-pity, resentment toward another or even God, unforgiveness may be the slime left over. Wash yourself in the Word and be cleansed! Bet you never thought of the Word of God as soap! Ephesians 5:25-26; "Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word."
In every life there is generally one wave that comes at you that is so powerful that you are literally swept off your feet, powerless to right yourself and you are swept away by the shear force of the current. Those times are the ones where other believers gather round you and literally lift you to safety, by lifting you continually up in prayer before the Father figuratively laying you at the feet of the Father in His throne of grace. Romans 15:30; "Now I urge you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God for me."
On one occasion, friends of a paralytic man carried their friend to Jesus house and when they couldn't get close because of the crowds, they didn't give up, they climbed up on the roof with their friend and his pallet! They removed the roof tiles and lowered their friend, pallet and all right into the presence of Jesus! And Jesus seeing the friend's faith said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven." First things first and then He said, "I say to you, rise, pick up your bed, and go home." (Mark 2:2-12)
Are you striving on behalf of someone, please don't give up, don't quit praying for in due time you will see your prayers answered. I thank God for the prayers of believers, many a time I was carried in prayer, when I was too sick or rebellious to pray for myself.
Are you struggling right now to keep your self upright and wave after wave keeps battering you? Cry out to Jesus and say, Lord!! Save me!! And the same voice Who spoke peace to the storm will take you by the hand and speak peace to your heart and mind.
"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer (take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted)! For I have overcome the world! ( I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.) John 16:33 Amplified.
God Bless you! This is exactly what I needed to hear this morning. My prayers have sounded like this but, to then read the written word provides even more peace!
ReplyDeleteI'm sending this post to my nephew and my sister. These are such great words of hope and healing. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus.