If you are a born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ then you are commissioned by Jesus Christ to bear witness to Him among the lost in the world. Jesus didn't commission just evangelists and preachers, He commissioned you and me, the common people to be; responsible, to be loving, to be His light shining in the darkness, His salt that; irritates, preserves and makes thirsty, depending on who we are talking with. Jesus sends out saved sinners to save sinners by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ! Every believer has a testimony within them, each one is different because our testimony is what Jesus Christ did in our own individual lives.
Yet every believer has in common with one another the following; we are all sinners, we were all searched for by God, we all in different ways heard the Good News, the gospel of Jesus Christ, we all believed and responded to Jesus Christ and were saved, born again not of the flesh or the will of man but by the Holy Spirit. With Christ is forgiveness of sin, with Christ is reconciliation with the Father, with Christ we have what people would be willing to pay any amount of money for and it cannot be bought, we have peace, a free gift from the Prince of Peace, we have joy that is not dependent on circumstances, and we know and receive unconditional love in Christ! Salvation is a gift from God it cannot be earned by us.
"In Christ, redemption through His blood...In Him we have obtained an inheritance...In Him we were sealed with the Holy Spirit Who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it." Ephesians 1:7,11,13-14. Christ began the good work in us and He will finish what He started. Philippians 1:6. Christ Jesus is able to keep us from stumbling and to present us blameless before the presence of His glory with great joy! Jude verse 24. What are we to say to all this.....we are to love the Lord our God with all of our heart and all of our mind and all of our strength everyday that He has given us under His sun.
What are we to do with all this.....we are to give it away! Freely we have received, freely give! Jesus came out of heaven, clothed Himself with flesh, walked among His creation sinless, and willingly died for us on a cross and He rose from the dead because death could not hold Him and He did that for the sins of the whole world!!! Can we not cross the street where we live and share Christ with a neighbor who if they died as you are reading this would be in hell? Jesus on earth was despised by men; are we to let the possibility that someone may laugh at us if we shared Christ with them cause us to be disobedient? Christ wept over Jerusalem, how can we be so callous and unfeeling toward the lost? God give us Your heart for the lost, we were the lost at one time. Help us to be obedient to Your commission to be Your witnesses to a lost and dying world.
One of the greatest joys on earth you will ever be blessed to experience is to share Jesus with another soul that He died for and pray with them to ask Jesus to forgive their sins and come into their heart and take over their life...the angels in heaven rejoice over one sinner who is saved! Don't live your whole life without ever being obedient to Jesus' commission; "...you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Acts 1:8
When was the last time you shared Jesus Christ with someone? When was the last time you even tried? Opportunities to share come to those; who pray for them, to those who are looking for them, to those that want to share the greatest thing that ever happened to them.
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