The world operates in complete opposition to Kingdom of God. People strive to climb some invisible ladder to achieve some measure of success as defined by the world. They do this so that one day in the future they can retire and then have the good life! What a crock, success is never what we envision and in our pursuit of it, we need to be careful that we don't miss the genuine gifts of life that are truly good; intimacy with Jesus Christ, knowing, loving, nurturing and training our children as to what is truly important in life, fellowship with fellow believers, experiencing marriage as God created it, all these things are available if we take the time.
Ah, time, it has been called the tyranny of the urgent, our lives are so filled with busyness we don't have time left to live. Our children need smart phones and computers just to organize all of their activities, could this be the first generation of children that grew older while never having experienced childhood? God forbid! What would happen if the adults married and single, put their itineraries before the Lord and prayed and asked Him to reveal His will for their lives, His plan for their time, His will for their children? He will answer and they are then free to receive and adjust or to ignore and carry on busyness as usual. God will never force His will on His children but consider this; God wants the very best for you and for your children, He has a plan for you and it is good! Do you trust Him? Then take Him at His Word. Ask Him to give you godly wisdom, to direct your steps, to give you favor, and He will! Jesus said; "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10. Are you living the abundant life?
Our obsession with tomorrow is robbing us of today and today is what matters to God. His grace is for today; not yesterday, not tomorrow, today! Most of what worries us and causes anxiety in us is rooted in tomorrow and most of those things that keep us awake at night never happen, we have forfeited today and a good nights sleep worrying about tomorrow. We don't even know if we have a tomorrow, only the One who recorded in His book the number of our days knows. "In your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." Psalm 139:16. Don't let the past rob you of today, it is over, we can not change it but we can impact today.
Live fully in today, it is God's gift to us, begin it with Him; "In the morning You hear my voice, O LORD; in the morning I prepare a prayer for You and watch and wait for You to speak to my heart." Psalm 5:3 Amplified Bible. Today is Gods gift to us don't waste it, He may give us an opportunity to share Jesus Christ with someone today that we will never see again, today was all we had with them. Today is when we can follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and make a difference in someones life that will effect them for eternity. Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart.
Such wisdom and truth! Thank you Lord for your Words of Life!
ReplyDeleteThank you for speaking Truth. That was very powerful and spoke to my spirit. :)