How big is your God? Have you given Him His proper place or have you mistakenly shrunk Him down to your level of understanding? God Almighty will not be placed in a box, let alone in our tiny minds! Don't be offended, we are fearfully and wonderfully made and our brain is beyond the understanding of the best minds of this world, but Who created our wonderful brains? Our Majestic, Holy LORD!!! He is our Provider, our Deliverer, our Warrior and He is totally not like us!
We think like this, material need, must have money, right? Wrong! Matthew 17:27.
On one occasion Peter when asked if His Teacher paid the two-drachma tax, responded yes. Then Jesus said the sons are free from tax, nevertheless He instructed Peter to; go to the sea, cast a hook, take the first fish that comes up and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to the tax collector for me and for yourself. Who does that!! Our Jesus has unlimited ways and means to meet our every need! God is not limited by your paycheck or your retirement plan.
When God brought His people out of Egypt, out of bondage, He led them into the desert. The desert doesn't have fast food, no grocery stores, it has sand and sun. God had a huge crowd to feed every day for years how did He do it? He fed them with manna which they had never seen, He fed them with a days portion everyday except the sixth day that would be enough for two days. And no one had too much and no one had too little, God saw to that. Exodus 16:4-5. Heavenly bread, who would have thought. Later God sent quail to the people you can read all about that in Numbers 11:31-32. We are to be thankful for what we have, that is the life application from Numbers.
Water in the desert is the difference between life and death. Where would we look for water, dig a well, look for trees, pray for rain? God gave them water out of a rock, a rock! Exodus 17:5-6. Are you beginning to get the picture?
One more provision to the children of Israel before we move on. Bloomingdales, Wal*Mart, and Nordstroms hadn't yet expanded to the Middle East, let alone the desert, so what did they wear for forty years? I don't know how the guys would answer this question but we girls would probably be eying some of the tents, just so we wouldn't have to wear the same thing year after year. Maybe have a huge tent sale, with the women of the different tribes contributing their gently worn garments. What did God do? "Your clothing did not wear out on you, and your foot did not swell these forty years." Deuteronomy 8:4. Clearly we need to get our priorities straight.
God commanded ravens to feed His servant Elijah and then later God commanded a widow to feed His servant Elijah, a widow who just had enough to feed her and her son one last time!
1 Kings 17:4,9. Gods ways and thoughts are clearly not ours! He is absolutely amazing!!!
God delivered His people Israel from Egypt with a mighty hand, in a very dramatic fashion. God could have delivered any way He chose, He chose to send plagues, plagues of their own Egyptian gods. Then the climax at the Red Sea; the children of Israel on the banks and the whole Egyptian army in hot pursuit...what to do? We might ask God for a bridge, or for ships, God didn't build a bridge, He didn't provide ships, He did what only He would think to do, He parted the sea!!! Wide enough for the people to cross on dry land, walls of water on either side and deep enough to drown Pharaoh, his army, his chariots and his horses when God released the walls of water.
The Word of God is overflowing with people, times and places where God shows Himself strong on behalf of His people, a Mighty Warrior is our God!!! Read Judges 7:1-25. Consider Gideon who was up against the combined armies of the Midianites and the Amalekites. Gideon had 32,000 men of Israel, the first thing God did in a very unique way was to eliminate all but 300 men! Then armed NOT with rifles, not swords, not even slingshots, they carried a trumpet, an empty jar and a torch just as directed by God then the LORD set every man's sword against his comrade in the opposing army! What a strategy, designed to teach that God is to be glorified not man! Life application: trust not in the arm of flesh, trust in God alone! We could speak of David, Joshua, Moses and what God did in their battles using hail, the sound of marching in the treetops, trumpets, confusion, and a sling and a stone! But you can read that for yourselves.
How big is your God? The more of His Word that you know the clearer your perspective of Him will be. Just gaze up into the sky tonight and worship Him, its good for your soul and it is pleasing to Him!
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