The fourth duty is that we all are constantly to be looking for opportunities to recruit others to come into the "Family Business", to introduce them to Jesus and to join us in our labors. (Acts 1:8)
The fifth duty is we are all to help bear one anothers burdens, to share in their struggles by praying with them and for them all the time. (Galatians 6:2) (Romans 15:30)
The sixth duty is we are to rejoice and be thankful at all times no matter what area of the business we are placed in. This is Jesus' will for us and it makes all the difference in how successful we are in our duties and in our lives. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
Now let's cover some of the basic requirements. You are to show up everyday for work, the business is never closed but you are provided a day of rest by Jesus, don't fail to use it, as we all need it. (Exodus 20:10)
You are on call 24/7 as God's work never ends, it continues night and day. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
Individual, identical prayer rooms are provided to everyone from the least to the greatest. Please feel free to use them whenever you have the need for as long as you like. (Matthew 6:6)
Daily meals are provided to all as well as proper clothing depending on where you work. (Luke 12:29-32)
There are branch offices in every single nation and some are sent there on assignment. Others work exclusively in recruiting but they report in frequently to be strengthened by their fellow laborers. Those who work the hardest will be given more to do but to the ones who slack off even the few responsibilities they have will be taken away. (Matthew 25:27-29)
Some labor in the open for all to see but most are laboring diligently and fervently behind the scenes. The pay is the same whether you've been employed in the Family Business 1 day or 90 years, it goes by so quickly it is like a mist that evaporates with the first rays of sunlight. (Matthew 20:8-16) And the retirement plan is not to be believed! We cannot even begin to imagine what Jesus has prepared for us, He is doing all the work Himself!
(1 Corinthians 2:9) (John 14:2-3)
Oh, by the way, nepotism is encouraged in the Family Business even though the decision to join the business will always be on an individual basis. And child care is always provided.
I want to stress some of the job benefits that Jesus makes available to all, but sadly, inexplicably, are used by very few. The first is the BURDEN Room, you enter, lay down your burdens and put on the yoke that Jesus provides. It is an easy yoke and the burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30) Next is the WAITING Room, you must be patient in this area, you focus on Jesus and think of all He has done for you, all that He is doing for you, then with a grateful heart full of thanksgiving you wait on Him and He renews your strength, enabling you to run, walk or even fly if necessary. (Isaiah 40:29,31) The last room is the WISDOM Room, over and over you will be confronted with tasks, people, problems, trials that you have never faced before, Jesus knows that and therefore He has provided all the godly wisdom you will ever need and it is yours for the asking! (James 1:5)
At every entrance to the business there are two rooms available to all. The first room is where you can daily confess your sins to Jesus and receive His mercy, grace and forgiveness. He cleanses you from all your unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) The second room is where you daily forgive all those who sin against you. Not just the ones who ask for forgiveness, but everyone. (Matthew 6:12)
Those who choose not to avail themselves of these two rooms have troubling and unproductive days and it is so unnecessary.
To be continued...... 10-29
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