"Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. " Jeremiah 33:3

Thursday, January 12, 2012

"Let Me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness?" Matthew 5:13 Message

Have you ever stopped and thought about why Scripture says that we are the salt of the earth? One time in a home Bible study group we discussed that very thing, we prayed God would give us wisdom and this is what we came up with, I wrote it down in the back of my Bible.

According to Jesus, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are the salt of the earth, Matthew 5:13. He also warns that we can lose our saltiness and then what good are we? There is a saying that says if you don't use it, you lose it, how then does the salt of our lives work in reference to others? I hope you like allegories!

1. Salt is an exfoliate, it removes dead skin cells, and spiritually it removes those things from us that are of no value in the kingdom of God.
2. Salt is a preservative, it keeps things from becoming rancid, the salt of your life could keep another from a life that is good for nothing.
3. Salt seasons, some food is very bland without salt, our lives are to be anything but mundane, we are to be full of flavor, full of zeal, full of joy and full of peace. These qualities draw people to us.
4. Salt is an irritant, have you ever heard the expression, don't rub salt into the wound? To those that are perishing, to those who want nothing to do with Jesus we are a big irritant in their lives.
5. Salt is soothing and healing, did you ever have a painful sore throat and you gargled with salt water, yes you spit it out? Your throat feels immediately better. Our lives as salt can be soothing and healing to another who is frustrated, or hurting. Our prayers with them and for them bring God's healing and comfort.
6. Salt is a rock. You can put salt in a red hot pan and it doesn't harm it. Jesus is our Rock, no matter what the intensity of the heat is any trial, we can come out unscathed, we survive because we stand on the Rock, He is our foundation. This is a very powerful witness to others who do not know Jesus as Savior and Lord. It is easy to witness in good times but others take notice when we are going though tough, dark and depressing times.
7. Salt penetrates, it doesn't just stay on the surface it gets into the food. Our lives are not designed to stay on the surface in our relationships, we must be willing to have our lives penetrate the surface of others if we are to be effective in God's kingdom work. This takes time and effort. But the rewards are indescribable!
8. Salt flavors food, people are drawn to flavorful, robust flavors in food, so too are people drawn to flavors in people, God's salt in our lives gives us favor with God and with man!
9. Salt makes you thirsty! I know that you already know where this one is going, I think this is my favorite component of salt! Our lives have the ability to make others thirsty for Jesus Christ! Others in this case can be believers and well as non-believers!

Lord thank You for making us the salt of the earth, may we be reminded daily of what that means. And Lord please don't ever let our salt become tasteless, may we effectively, everyday demonstrate the various components of salt in the lives of others. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

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