"Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. " Jeremiah 33:3

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What does full surrender to the Lord look like?

Full surrender of our lives is not for the timid or the meek, you don't test the waters with your toe and ease in gradually. And it isn't for those who think they are doing just fine in running their lives. And it definitely isn't for those that are content to sit on the sidelines watching others living the surrendered life.

So for those who are willing, imagine yourself diving head first into an infinity pool of Divine liquid love, can you feel the exhilaration as you are enveloped with warm liquid?

All you see with your eyes are the prisms of light reflected in every droplet, of course this water is over-flowing with light, after all Jesus is the Light of the whole world!

Now, listen very closely, can you hear the quiet? This stillness is to remind you to be still and to know that He is God, there is absolutely nothing that is beyond His control, for He is Sovereign over all! Relax as you are supported wholly by the strength of His love for you personally. Close your eyes and float without fear because you are in the grip of the Lord God Almighty. Be anxious for nothing for you belong to the Prince of Peace, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Nothing can ever come close to the peace that Jesus gives you.

Now child do you feel the warmth of the Son on your face? You are reminded of the Scripture that says His eyes are ever upon you, for you are precious in His sight. Spend time daily in His presence drink deeply from the river of His delights and then follow where He leads you every day.

Can you picture yourself here? Are you ready to dive in, total surrender to His will for your life? Rest assured that there is no way you would ever even begin to imagine the good life He has for you!

Don't let anything or anyone keep you from surrender to Jesus Christ, He is waiting with open arms to catch you. Dive in with total abandon, filled with trust in the One who loves you and gave Himself for you. Easter is coming when we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus who with total abandon surrendered His life willing on our behalf.


  1. Mmmmm! That's what I call a "God Hug." I loved your imagery. I was there in His presence as your words unfolded. I am in His presence all the time. Thank you God.

  2. I agree with Susan - great imagery. To quote from My Utmost for His highest, "Obey Him with glad reckless joy."
