We must choose to put our tongues to good use because the default position consists of murmuring, complaining, anger, etc. If you doubt the truth of this statement ask the Lord to make you aware of what is coming out of your mouth and He will show you, He showed me. Everywhere I have ever lived people complain about the weather, complain about prices, complain about politics and complain about their jobs. I know what you are thinking, so what, that's harmless, ah, but that is not true, for every murmur about the weather, prices, politics, jobs, there are many more unspoken complaints in our hearts and minds. Matthew 12:34; "For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart."
What would our day be like if we deliberately put a guard on our mouth not to complain but instead our mouth spoke; encouragement, praise to God, and thanksgiving? First of all our day would be much better because our focus would shift from us to God, our focus would shift from what we don't have, to the blessings we do have.
Much like the child that is given so much at Christmas or for "just because", none of it matters because we trained them to have a sense of entitlement! Then they grow up with that belief that they deserve the best and they deserve it now! This country is drowning in credit card debt for many reasons not the least of which is the idea that possessions bring happiness. How else can we explain lifetimes filled with endless shopping sprees?
Just for fun take a piece of paper and write down a list of the top 25 things you are truly thankful for, take some time to do this. The things that didn't make it to your top 25 do you really need any of them, did they meet the need inside of you? Or were you already craving something else before you even unloaded the must haves from your car? The items on your top 25, were children on it, your health, and your friends?
I don't remember where this quote came from but I've never forgotten it. What if tomorrow morning all that you had was gone, EXCEPT for the things that you had told God you were thankful for yesterday? What would you have left? Who do you think would have the most the next day, the super rich, or the one living paycheck to paycheck?
Every good thing in your life and in mine, yes every good thing, comes down from the Father of lights. James 1:17 MSG; "Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light..."
Father God, forgive me for my murmuring and complaining, give me a thankful heart for all the blessings You have provided, and deliver me from greed and prideful entitlement.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
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