I'm not really sure when God first revealed the Title Scripture to me but it became the foundational nugget of truth that led me to the realization that the times that I doubted God were the times that I was bringing Him down to the level of my brain and its understanding! If God is small enough to fit into my brain no wonder I had doubts!
Let me explain, our brains are wonderful of course, for God created them! But they are finite, God is infinite!! Our brains are limited to understanding and relating to the things we can see, hear, taste, smell and touch! Our brains are also capable of going above and beyond those five senses into belief in God, and His Son Jesus Christ through the avenue of faith.
But it cannot stop with belief in God, we must seek Him in His Word to know Him and His ways, if we don't do that then we are limiting God with boundaries that only exist in our minds! What a dangerous and foolish way for a believer to live! Is it any wonder that so many people that call themselves Christians are living way below what God has planned for them, they don't know the Scriptures and so they remain as they were when they got saved. How sad, they don't have much of a prayer life because they have no idea what God can and will do!
There are certain passages in Scripture that are "must reads" for those believers that long to know and see God as He truly is. Of course we can never know Him completely, but we have enough revealed to us in His Word, that if we studied those passages it would be enough to conquer all the doubt, fear and anxiety in everyone of us!
Is your idea of God small enough to fit into your brain? Do you run to the Internet for information rather than seek the One who put wisdom into the mind of man? Do you base your decisions on the advise of man rather than the One Who made you, the One Who has a plan for your life? Then please seek God in the following Scriptures and allow His truth to permeate your mind and saturate your soul. If you meditate on Him as revealed in just the following two portions of Scripture you will find and discover that your God is Amazing, Glorious, All Powerful, Magnificent, Majestic and Holy!!!
Job chapters 38 thru 40 I read at least 12 times a year. Those chapters are great to share with your children, everyone can relate to a sunrise, sunset, and ocean waves, but who is Sovereign over them? The LORD!! Learn about various animals in Job 39 and 40, Who made them, Who cares for them, Who is constantly observing them?
Isaiah 40:3-31 reveals the greatness of God; "He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in." Isaiah 40:22. Read the first sentence again, He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth...The book of Isaiah was written over 700 years before Christ, close to 3000 years ago. When Columbus discovered America in 1492 people of the world still believed that the earth was flat! How big is your God now...
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