Within the parable of two sons lie lessons for all of mankind regarding our responses to the Living God. The Father approaches the first son and orders him to go work today in the vineyard. The son answered I will not. But afterward he regretted it and went to the vineyard. His first response was open rebellion against his Father, He refused in his Fathers face to obey. We aren't told how much time passed before he had cause to regret his action and turn in obedience to his Father's command.
Many of us mimic this sons actions, we live our lives in open rebellion to many of our heavenly Father's commands. Those commands may inconvenience us or we have other plans, or we just plain refuse because we don't want to do what God is asking. Sometimes we even convince ourselves that it applies to everyone else but not to us. As in witnessing for Jesus.
The Holy Spirit's work in the life of a believer will cause us to regret and repent of our rebellious ways. We do not know how much time is required from the believer and what God is doing in their life. Make no mistake "For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." Philippians 2:13. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to cause godly sorrow that leads us to repent. We must heed His call or our hearts will become hardened.
The second son responded immediately, "I will, Sir"; but he failed to go. How many times do we respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, "I will sir"; But never come through? What about our commitments to the people of God. Does our word mean anything, do people know that if we start something we can be counted on to finish it?
Do we ask the Lord to direct our steps so that we know where and to what we are to commit? "When you make a vow to God, do not be late in paying it; for He takes no delight in fools. Pay what you vow." Ecclesiastes 5:4.
This is has been another blog that has reached me where I am living. Especailly as I think of the up coming year and my willingness to serve God in a new job, along with personal growth necessary to be closer to the One who loves me the most.