Every time we hear the sound of a low whisper and the Lord beckons us to 'Come' it is a pivotal event in our lives. Just to hear His voice is a blessing, but to hear and ignore speaks volumes about where we are spiritually. Sometimes it isn't out and out ignoring but rather disputing with God, either way it is a very dangerous thing to not respond to the call of God to Come.
We truly are being tested when we hear His word to Come. It's not an invitation so much as a summons. Scripture warns us about this in Hebrews 3:7; "Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. On the day of testing in the wilderness."
Of the three 'Come' examples from the title scriptures the first one is Matthew 11:28.
Here Christ is calling to the hurting, the weary, the ones who have had enough of religion, and the burdens that they are carrying are too much for them. Jesus offers them rest, an unloading of burdens, He offers to show them how it can be done, and they can trade their unsuccessful way of doing things with God's way of unforced rhythms of grace! He even offers to yoke them in with Him, they don't have to go it alone, Jesus will be with them all the way. A picture of sabbath rest for those who are willing to humble themselves and take His yoke. The prideful turn aside to continue doing it their way. And they miss out on the best, the abundant life that only comes through Christ.
The second 'Come' was in response to Peter's request to Jesus to command him to come to Him on the sea. Peter was the only one of the disciples that got out of the boat to walk to Jesus on the sea. Faith got him out of the boat, the divine 'Come' enabled him to walk on the water, but the wind and the waves distracted Peter and he took His eyes off of Jesus and he began to sink. Yet Peter cried out Lord, save me! He didn't cry out to his buddies in the boat he cried out to his Lord and Jesus immediately grabbed him by the hand and pulled him up. Jesus asked him, why did you doubt?
Am I a Peter do I have enough faith to get me out of the boat at Jesus command to Come? Or do I just hang back in the boat praying that Jesus doesn't look at me and say, Come. How many times will I let fear keep me from responding to Jesus Come? What am I missing? I'm missing time with Jesus, I'm missing what it feels like to walk on water.
The third 'Come' came when the apostles returned from the mission trip that Jesus had sent them on. They were given authority over demons, given specific instructions; including taking no provisions at all for their journey, they were to proclaim to all they meet that they should repent of their sins and they anointed many who were sick and prayed and they were healed. They were pumped up and excited when they returned and they recounted it all to Jesus. It makes me smile just thinking about that and what it must have looked like and sounded like! Can't you just picture Jesus' eyes glued on the one doing the talking, intently listening and rejoicing with them, each one, as they shared their experiences?
Jesus 'Come' was to draw them away for some refreshing and renewing, He knows far better than we what we need and when we need it.
Don't you know God just loves it when we get zealous for Him and for what He does and we just gush and worship and talk about our experiences with Him!! The next time you hear that soft whisper of Come, run don't walk and don't look back.
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