Do you have a heart for the lost? Do you weep over people that do not know Jesus as Lord? Jesus wept over Jerusalem, Jesus left heaven and came to earth to save the lost. He laid down His life for the world, so that all who believe might be saved from their sins and reconciled to God!
If you are a believer reading this, you owe your salvation to Christ alone! Salvation is a free gift from God, we are completely unable to save ourselves, works won't get us to heaven, salvation is a gift of God's grace. He called you, convicted you, He made sure you heard the good news of Jesus Christ and He heard your prayer to Him and saved you completely! He forgave all your sins, never to be remembered or brought up again, He poured out His unconditional love into your heart and He sealed you with His Holy Spirit!!!
And what does He ask in return? We are to love Him with all our heart, mind and soul. We are to love one another as ourselves. We are to obey His commands, that is how we prove our love for Him and His command to every believer is today's title verse. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be My witnesses, telling people about Me everywhere."
Jesus left heaven to save us. Are we willing to cross the street to share the good news with our neighbor? Jesus laid down His life for us. Are we willing to pick up the phone, write a letter, make a lunch or dinner date with someone we know is lost? Jesus was rejected by men, He was beaten, He was mocked and He endured the shame of the cross to save us. Are you so prideful that you would rather stand by and say nothing to someone who is on their way to hell rather than risk their mockery or rejection? Jesus said if you deny Me before men, I will deny you before My Father. (Matthew 10:33).
Are we willing to fall on our knees in prayer on behalf of someone who is unwilling or unable to cry out on their own? As wondrous as it seems Jesus has entrusted every believer with the privilege and responsibility to share Him with others in our world, wherever our world may be.
Please resolve today to be obedient to start sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, to tell others what a difference Christ has made in your life. One of the greatest joy's you will ever experience on this earth is the joy of sharing, and praying with another soul to know Jesus Christ and to be born again. That is the one and only thing you can take with you to heaven.
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