"Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. " Jeremiah 33:3

Friday, December 23, 2011

"Our Lord Jesus Christ...though He was rich, yet for your sakes became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich." 2 Corinthians 8:9 NASB

Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of Christ looked like? I have and since I love the Word of God I decided to piece together the snippets of Jesus' activities during His three year public ministry from all of the gospels to provide a composite picture of a day in the life of our Lord. I hope it ministers to you as much as it did to me.

Jesus rises before dawn and without awakening His disciples He slips away into the hills. Jesus travels alone to be alone with His heavenly Father and to seek the Father's face and His will for the day that is just beginning. This is the norm for Jesus, beginning His day in prayer, seeking direction as to what He was to do, where He was to go, receiving everything He would need for the day, God's all sufficient grace which is available to all not just to the Son of God.

For Jesus knew better than most of us the brevity of His time on earth and He did not waste one minute of it.

Then His disciples and the rest of the crowd that followed Jesus everywhere found Him and they all set out on those dusty back roads in Israel. They ate lunch in the grain fields this day, picking the grain and eating it as they went and we thought we had invented fast food!

As they drew close to the next little village the crowd that always seemed to be able to communicate Jesus' comings and goings was working well this day and very quickly a large crowd gathered around this amazing new Rabbi to hear what He would say, for He spoke with power and authority as no one ever had.

Jesus, heart full of love and compassion for the crowd stopped and opened His mouth to pour forth love, wisdom and life to the people. He taught for hours and then He would heal all those who came to Him. The lame, deaf, blind, demon possessed, lepers, the living and the dead! He touched and spoke to every broken body and spirit and made them whole. Weary, He left the crowds, His disciples, and once again alone He went to be with His Father. He prayed for hours sometimes all night but on this night on the fourth watch He returned to be with His sleeping disciples. And like many other nights, on this night His bed was again on the earth and His own arm was His pillow.

A life of prayer, obedience, fellowship, discipling, ministry, and prayer. A life filled with rejection, love, tribulation, peace, sadness, great joy, humility and exultation. We thank God for this life, glorify God for this life, and honor God by modeling our lives after His life.

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