Today's title Scripture says it right out; We do not know how to pray as we should, therefore we are assured that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and not only the Holy Spirit but Jesus Himself makes intercession for those who draw near to God thru Him. (Hebrews 7:25) How encouraging is that, Jesus and the Holy Spirit help believers in prayer because most of us just aren't very good at it!
There are many reasons why our prayers fall short; Scripture teaches us to pray, it gives us examples, it supplies us with intercessory prayers. But if we don't know Scripture, we really struggle. Often we don't have our prayers answered the way we wanted because we were asking with wrong motives. Many of our prayers are answered with no not because God does not want us to be happy, far from it He says no to things that will bring us harm. Remember God is all knowing and you and I are not. But know this, God wants the very best for His children so yes or no we can thank Him for His answers.
On one occasion a leper came and knelt before Jesus and said, Lord if You are willing You can make me clean. Watch what Jesus did; He stretched out His hand and touched the leper and said I am willing, be cleansed. Jesus spoke healing to various individuals all the time without touching them, why then did He touch the leper? Jesus saw the lepers heart. He knew what the leper needed most was for Jesus to physically touch him! But the leper either didn't know the need or was embarrassed to ask, so Jesus met his deepest need and then cleansed him from leprosy. How many needs does Jesus meet in our lives, that we aren't even aware of? (Matthew 8:2-3)
Shortly before Jesus was arrested He was talking to Peter, when Peter made his bold confession that he would die for Jesus, to which Jesus replied before the cock crows you will deny even knowing me three times. But then Jesus reassured His disciple by telling him, but I have prayed for you Peter, that your faith may not fail. You would think that Jesus would have prayed for Peter not to sin by denying Jesus, not once but three times. No that was not what Peter needed, his denial would humble Peter, he would feel horrible about himself, even despair, but Jesus prayed for his faith to stand the test and told Peter when you turn or repent, strengthen your brothers, saying in effect, Peter My plans for you have never changed! (Luke 22:31-34)
Again Jesus spoke to His disciples about the things He would suffer in Jerusalem, including His death on the cross. Peter rebuked Jesus saying God forbid it, Lord! That was Peter's prayer, that the cross would not happen, if the cross did not happen, no one could ever be saved and made right with God! Jesus said to Peter, Get behind Me, Satan! When we set our minds on mans interests rather than Gods we are the same as Peter. (Matthew 16:21-23) There is a beautiful promise in Scripture that says if we ask anything according to God's will, He will hear our prayer and answer it! God's will, not mans. (1 John 5:14-15 )
Faith in intercessory prayer on behalf of others pleases God and prayers are answered. On one occasion some friends took the roof off of a house where Jesus was so they could lower their friend down to Him and He would heal him. Scripture says Jesus saw the faith of the friends, and Jesus spoke to the greater unspoken need first; He spoke to the man and said, your sins are forgiven. Then He spoke and told him to get up take up his pallet and go. (Luke 5: 19-26)
I pray that in these few accounts that you have been encouraged in your prayer life. We truly do not know how to pray as we ought, but Jesus and the Holy Spirit do know and they are interceding for us! Thank You Lord for Your provision and thank You Lord for desiring to hear our voices!
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