"Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. " Jeremiah 33:3

Friday, April 27, 2012


Fresco; the art of painting with water colors on plaster.
Divine Fresco; a work commissioned by the will of the Father, paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ and wrought by the power of the Holy Spirit.
This work is not for sale at any price.

It is a glorious day in the third heaven as the angels go through their daily shift change. They meet with their counterparts to discuss the latest happenings of their charges. Their charges are the "called" of God, these are the born again sons and daughters of God who have put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation and have been sealed by the Holy Spirit. These believers are the delight of the Lord. Yet many times the angels wonder with absolute astonishment at how often their charges display worry, fear and doubt! Don't they understand that their Father is the Creator of the entire universe? Don't the realize that He is Sovereign,  nothing is outside of His control? But the angels know their place and they know better than to criticize or condemn God's kids.

The returning angels ask where the Father is because He isn't in the throne room. Gabriel the outspoken angel spoke up and said; "He is where His heart is of course, He is working on His fresco. The time is drawing near and there is much work remaining to be done."  The angels are filled with awe as they watch God at work, lovingly, intimately, individually with each believer. The angels wonder to themselves if the believers have any understanding of their worth in God's eyes? Probably not because human eyes cannot detect the blood of Jesus Christ that covers each and every one of them.  The host of heaven are filled with reverence and wonder at the over-flowing love of God for these vessels of clay and they rejoice at the top of their voices every time God's grace is met by faith and another sinner is saved!

God alone knows the day the Fresco will be completed. God alone, knows who will come together to form the left eye, God alone knows all those He determined before the foundation of the world to  become the right hand.  Only the wisdom of God knows the millions upon millions of souls redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ that will comprise the finished masterpiece. Just as in the beginning...God spoke the heaven and earth and Jesus, the Word of God, brought them into existence and the Holy Spirit moved on the face of the waters, all Three working together, so too all of the Trinity is at work to bring about the sanctification, the unity, the transformation and the agape love required to complete the Fresco.  It truly is just as Scripture says; "For it is God who is at work in us both to will and to work for His good pleasure." Philippians 2:13 NASB.

Part two, the conclusion, of God's Fresco will be posted Monday the 30th.

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