The title verse for today is at the end of a parable on the importance of persevering in prayer and never giving up. Over and over in Scripture we are told; do not lose heart, wait on the LORD, pray without ceasing, and we are to join fellow believers in their struggles by praying for them. We are to be fervent in prayer because it availth much, pray with our minds and in the Spirit, to be sober and vigilant in prayer and all the more as we see "the day" approaching!
Well,we are 2000 years closer to "The day of the Lord" than when these words were first spoken by Jesus. So in reality the above question is to the believers living on plant Earth in the 21st century, you and me! Is there the kind of persistent faith on the Earth that Jesus was speaking of?
If Jesus returned today would He find faith in the body of Christ? Would He find faith in my heart, in my life? In yours? Or have our hearts grown lukewarm to the things of God. Have we allowed the things of the world to harden our hearts to the kingdom of God? Have our hearts grown cold towards our First Love?
What priority does faith, prayer, reading God's Word in my daily quiet time with Him have in my life? If Jesus and the previous things mentioned are not number one in my life then I am in spiritual danger like the church at Laodicea! "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot..."Revelation 3:15.
Am I lukewarm in my faith? Have I gotten over being saved? Do I approach Scripture reading as a to do list or with excitement expecting God to speak to me? Am I lukewarm in prayer, or is it fervent? Am I watching and waiting for an answer? Has there ever been a day where I loved Jesus more that I do today? Do I obey His commands? Am I declaring Jesus Christ is Lord in the marketplace? Am I a witness to Jesus, sharing the gospel of Christ with the lost?
If you are not happy with your answers then do something about it today...repent, confess your sin and He will forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Pray for the Lord to; fill you with His Holy Spirit, to take your smouldering wick and set it on fire with an eternal flame, fill us with zeal for Jesus, fill us with love for Jesus, give us a heart like His with concern and passion for the lost in this world.
If Jesus came back to day would He find faith on earth? Faith comes by hearing the word of God and without faith it is impossible to please Him. We each know what we must do today, as long as we have today!
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