As with all of Scripture there are lessons upon lessons contained in the verses and life applications to aid us in incorporating these truths into our own lives. The above title verse today involves Jesus and Simon Peter and this verse is no exception.
Simon Peter was a professional fisherman, the sea was his expertise, fishing was his strength and he was very good at it. This day was an exception because that particular nights fishing yielded a poor catch, nevertheless Peter was very adept at his chosen profession.
But on this particular day a Rabbi named Jesus had a large crowd pressing in on Him to hear His teaching, so He asked Peter to row Him away from the shore in His boat, where He delivered His teaching. All the while Peter in the boat with the young Rabbi, was a captive audience.
Jesus finished His teaching of the crowd but He wasn't finished with Peter. He told Peter to row out where it was deeper and to let down his nets to catch some fish.
Of course that time of day wasn't the time you went fishing, any fisherman could have told Him that but all Peter said was, we worked hard all last night and didn't catch a thing. But if You say so, I'll let the nets down again. Luke 5:5.
And in Peter's humble, willing obedience to do what must have appeared as a futile request he experienced a miraculous catch of fish and met his Master face to face!
It made me think, what is my field of expertise? What is a strength to me, to you? You may be one of the best in your chosen vocation, are you open to suggestions from the Lord, or do you feel competent in and of yourself? Don't answer too quickly, what if the Lord told you to do something in your particular field that went against all your knowledge and expertise? Would you humble yourself before the Lord and be obedient to do what He was telling you to do?
You have three choices; first determine that nothing is off limits to God in your life, even in those things where you feel strong and capable. Second you can choose to ignore the command and proudly go about your life or thirdly you can humble yourself, be obedient and know your Lord in a brand new light. John 14:21; "Those who accept My commandments and obey them are the ones who love Me. And I will love them and reveal Myself to them." Something to think about.
Peter's life was changed forever that day for he left his boat, his life as he knew it and followed Jesus and he never looked back.
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