One of the most wondrous mysteries concerning the Word of God is that the longer you know the Lord, the more you study His Word, the more you learn of Him, the realization comes that in so many ways you have just begun this journey with Him.
I have never in my life commanded the morning and I have never in my life caused the dawn to know its place. But when I met with you in Your Word today, I met with the One who has! I do not know where the way is that the light is divided, or the east wind is scattered on the earth. I have never entered into the springs of the sea or walked in the recesses of the deep. The gates of death have not been revealed to me and I have never seen the gates of deep darkness. But I know the One who knows all these things. I know the One who not only walked the recesses of the deep, He created them! I know the One who enclosed the sea with doors when, bursting forth, it went out from the womb. I know the One that placed boundaries on it and set a bolt and doors. I know the One who commanded the waves and said, "Thus far you shall come, but no farther; and here shall your proud waves stop." I know the One who did all these things for I meet with You in Your Word.
So determine to be an earnest seeker; the rewards are beyond your wildest dreams. Hebrews 11:6.
Praise The Lord!